Locking a session prevents users from accessing the session's content until it gets unlocked. Gnowbe allows curators to:
- Lock sessions manually
- Unlock sessions manually or schedule an unlock date
A locked session will appear greyed out to users, and a message will pop up to inform them that the session is locked when they try to access it.
Example of a locked session and the message a user receives if they try to access it.
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How to lock sessions
Sessions have to be locked sequentially. You will start by locking the last session in your program before going up your session list to lock the rest. Think of locking sessions as closing up a jacket zipper; you'll need to zip from the bottom up.
- For example, if you want to lock the last five sessions in a ten-session program, you'll need to lock the sessions in this manner: Session 10 → 9 → 8 → 7 → 6.
- You cannot lock just a single session in the middle of the program (e.g., you cannot lock Session 7 if Session 8 is unlocked).
- As a rule, you can never lock Session 1.
Here's how:
- Log into Gnowbe Web, access the program, and go into Edit mode.
- Navigate to the Sessions page.
- Go to the last session in your program.
- Click the General tab below the session overview.
- Toggle on Lock session.
- A lock icon will appear beside the Session number to indicate to the curator that the session has its locked settings turned on.
- Proceed up your session list sequentially to lock more sessions.
- All locked sessions are scheduled to automatically unlock three months from the date you lock the sessions by default (e.g., if you lock a session on 1st January 2022, the session will automatically unlock on 1st April 2022).
Learn how to unlock the session manually or change the unlock date below.
How to unlock sessions manually
Sessions have to be unlocked sequentially. You will start by unlocking the first locked session in your program before going down your session list to unlock the rest. Think of unlocking sessions as opening up a jacket zipper; you'll need to unzip from the top down.
- For example, in a ten-session program with the last five sessions locked, you'll need to unlock them in this manner: Session 6 → 7 → 8 → 9 → 10.
- You cannot unlock just a single session in the middle of the program (e.g., you cannot unlock Session 8 if Session 7 is locked).
Here's how:
- Log into Gnowbe Web, access the program, and go into Edit mode.
- Navigate to the Sessions page.
- Go to the first locked session in your program.
- Click the General tab below the session overview.
- Toggle off Lock session.
- The lock icon beside the Session title will disappear to indicate to the curator that the session is not locked.
- Proceed downwards sequentially to unlock more sessions.
How to schedule an unlock date
You can choose to have your sessions unlock automatically on a specific date.
- When locking your session, you will see the Unlock Date field.
This field displays the date the session will automatically unlock (by default, it will be set to three months from the date you lock the session). - Click the Calendar icon to select your unlock date.
You can change the date here to any future date.
You can use this feature for multiple sessions. However, you can only schedule the dates for sessions to unlock chronologically.
- For example, if Session 2 has been set to unlock on 1st January 2022, Session 3's unlock date can only be set on or after 1st January 2022.
- Sessions will be unlocked automatically at 12 am (midnight) user local time.
Q: Why does my session unlock when I'm editing it?
A: Editing a locked session and toggling back to learner mode will unlock the session temporarily, allowing the curator to view it as a learner.
- Once you exit the session (e.g., clicking into another session), the session will revert to a locked state.
- Note that the temporary unlocking of the session will not affect your learners - the session will remain locked for them.
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My son got angry when I told him, "Sky is the limit for you."He wants to be an astronaut.
*This is irrelevant to the guide; we just want to entertain you for a bit while you’re here! 🤣