A CSV (Comma Separated Values) is a data file. CSV files can save large repositories of data and are commonly used by organizations worldwide. CSV files can be used with almost any spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets. They differ from other spreadsheet file types because you can only have a single sheet in a file, they can not save cells, columns, or rows. Also, you cannot save formulas in this format.
A CSV file has the extension .csv. If you save the CSV file as a .xls or.xlsx file then the properties of the CSV file will change, and it may not perform the desired function.
Where will you see CSV files in Gnowbe?
- When you are bulk uploading participants list in Gnowbe dashboard (see Option 2 here), then you can do that via a CSV file. You can find the template here. Please note that emails are mandatory while other fields are optional.
- When you extract data from the dashboard, the data will be reported to you via a CSV file.
Common tips while handling CSV files
- As indicated above, CSV files are accessed via Microsoft Excel. If you are saving your participant list in a CSV file, please ensure that you save the file using the .csv extension and not the .xls or .xlsx extensions.
- Please also ensure that you don't change the headers of the CSV file (avoiding inserting blank spaces or periods such as commas and full stops in too), as that may lead to errors.