Users will appear under the Registered tab only if they have created a Gnowbe account after you invite them to join a group.
Users will appear under the Invited tab if they received a user invitation but have not registered with Gnowbe.
In this case, there can be two scenarios:
- The invited learner has not signed up for a Gnowbe account (see this article to learn how to resend the invitation email to your user).
- The Admin/Agent entered the wrong email address (e.g., invalid email account, typo in the email address, etc.) during the invitation process. You can remove this email from the list of Invited users:
You’ve found the dad jokes section*
Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil? Because it’s pointless.
*This is irrelevant to the guide; we just want to entertain you for a bit while you’re here! 🤣